The mention of a scar has taken me back to the 13th of June when I received my son. On that very day, he was given his first injection _the BCG vaccine_ on his left arm. Come to think of it, that was the first scar that we all acquired by force _that is meant to give us or rather give us immunity from a number of diseases that may come our way. This scar takes time to heal and doctors will then advice the mothers not to disturb it. My little boy had his left arm dormant for like a week and touching his arm made him really mad enough to cry, to a point I thought that probably, just maybe, the surgeon had broken his arm during delivery_ha! pardon my wrong judgment. With time, his little arm began stretching slowly and the scar was still intact. Thanks to WHO_world health organization_we couldn’t be here today to read this_food for thought. We all have gone through things and been in situations in life that leave us with a noticeable sign of pain or severe injuries on our bodies which later get to us emotionally. This makes us concentrate on the negatives that later on determine the end result of how the picture will look like_photographers know this_depending on how you handle it. Any scar has a story and all you have to do is listen to it being the victim or the saviour. We all know about Jesus Christ _atheists must be fidgeting now, haha! _who died on the cross, as a matter of fact, He was NAILED to a cross that brought about His death. It was God’s plan_amn’t talking about Drake_ that through His Son, we would gain eternal life_the BEST thing. His scars represent the pain, the suffering He had to go through just to make life bearable for us by uniting us with His Father_I can hear Hallelujah already! My point is, your scar_physical or emotional _represents your struggle. That scar is a stamp on your skin to acknowledge you as a fighter and that only with time will it heal and birth a new person. You have to keep moving no matter how many blows you count! Some of us hate our scars which is a shortcut to “self-hate” where you just throw dirt on yourself and allow people to take a seat into your life and FINISH you with their negative energy. The right doctors in life will examine your scar and give a remedy and warn you against itching or touching no matter how irritating it will get. You have to learn self-control. You have to spend time with you and spoil yourself with ‘good vibes’, positive people and also life-building-content. I always say it’s easier said than done, but you have to give it all shots at all costs_it may hurt a little of course, but it’s worth it. Take your scars as a chance to mould another you_like a pot_and not to loose you. Embrace them and learn to accept yourself because this is the first step on the staircase to healing.Listen to your scars and learn the lesson you are suppossed to. Your scars shouldn’t be part of your insecurities, be wise and make them part of your story to VICTORY.

My cesarean scar represents endurance, strength, responsibility among many others…what about you, what does your scar tell you?

13 responses to “PERFECTED BY THE SCAR”

  1. Courage is the price that love grants for peace.The nearer the goal or the home,the harder the battle;the harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.Stars are only seen in jet black darkness. Alidhihakiye kovu,hajaliona jeraha.Uwe na nyakati njema,heri na shwari bila shari yoyote Nana Caroline.

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